I'm pleased to share that Jace Brittain and I are curating a new collaborative online reading series called It's Copperhead Season. It'll feature 2 readers in a long-form reading format somehow interacting with one another collaboratively, as decided by the readers. We're delighted that our first pairing will be Yanara Friedland + Olivia Muenz. The reading will take place online on Sunday, January 21st at 2 PM Central Time (3 PM Eastern Time). HERE’S THE ZOOM LINK. We hope that you can join us. Please feel welcome to share the event info, flyer and Zoom link with friends you feel may be interested. 

If you'd like to sign up to potentially read for a future installment of It's Copperhead Season, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM.

This is technically the second installment of the series. Joe Hall, Jace and I read for the first It's Copperhead Season in early July 2023. Jace and I decided to keep the series going. Events will occur roughly quarterly. Each event will be invoked with a story about a snake from an audience member, one of the readers, or Jace or me. I'll reveal why the series is called It's Copperhead Season and why a snake story is included at the outset of this second installment.

Gigantic thanks to Jace, Olivia, and Yanara. Jake Reber made the flyer. Gigantic thanks to Jake as well.
